If you happen to be one of the many women who are concerned about the odor of their vaginas, fear not. Just browse the “feminine care” aisle of your local drug store and you will be bombarded by a variety of solutions. There are wipes, washes, douches and even suppositories that you can insert into your vagina to keep it fresh.
As women, we are told over and over again to take care of our vaginal odor. Somehow, we have been convinced to mess with the beautiful, miraculous, self-cleansing organ that we call our pussies. We’re told to wax it, change our diets and clean it with harmful soaps.
One problem is everything we do to try and maintain a “delicious” vagina is actually harmful to our vaginal health. Of course, you should keep your vulva clean and dry using cool water and a soft towel; but using douches, feminine sprays and scented soaps is actually harmful to the natural PH of your vagina and will cause yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis – and nothing smells worse than a good ole’ case of BV.
A more infuriating issue is that genital hygiene seems to be targeted exclusively toward women. When is the last time you browsed the aisles of a Walgreens and came across a soap, spray or cream for men to apply to their testicles and penises in order to keep their genitals fresh? I’d venture to guess never.
Even worse, the fear women have been taught to experience regarding the smell and taste of their vaginas has limited their ability to feel sexually fulfilled. According to a national sex study that was done by researchers at Indiana University’s Center for Sexual Health Promotion, men within every age category are more likely to receive oral sex than to give oral sex.
Of course, there are many reasons why this discrepancy may exist, such as lack of confidence in performance, cultural barriers and a failure by women to communicate their needs; however, I believe that a lot of it is driven by men not enjoying giving oral sex due to the natural taste and smell of the vagina, and women feeling self-conscious about it.
Every Tuesday I listen to the Savage Lovecast, a podcast where sex columnist Dan Savage answers callers’ very intimate sex-related questions. At least once per month, I hear women calling in to complain that their male partners will not perform oral sex because they “just don’t like it.”
Well guess what, gentlemen? Your dicks smell, too. Just because your penis happens to be an outie rather than an innie, doesn’t mean your phallus is a mass of floral-scented joy. The mere fact that— unlike our beautiful vaginas—your penis is not a self-cleansing organ means that after a long day of stocking groceries or sitting in your office chair, your shaft radiates a pungent, sweaty taint smell.
Yes. Your penis smells like butt. I honestly never understood why until a few days ago, seated comfortably in a local café in my neighborhood, when my male friend told me that penises smell like butt due to the build up of sweat that forms between men’s anuses, perinea and testicles.
I am not chastising men for having penile odor, because genitals have odor. It’s natural. I asked a friend of mine what his thoughts are on vaginal odor and he replied, “I don’t think anyone’s vagina smells good, per se. I don’t want to bottle it up and spray it around the room or anything. They don’t smell bad, but it’s not like they smell like vanilla beans. I don’t know. It just smells like vagina.” I think it’s safe to say that women feel the same way about men’s penises.
If you are a man who loves women, I’d like to ask you to educate yourselves about the added pleasure oral sex provides a woman. I’d like you to consider the absolutely amazing blowjob you just received from your girlfriend, despite your far-from-fragrant schlong. If you want to enjoy a woman’s body, leave your ignorance at home with your jersey sheets and your porn.
Lastly, women need to stop messing with our vaginas. Don’t let marketers, other women or your partner tell you that you need to fix or change anything about how you take care of your vagina. You don’t need to wax it. You don’t need to spray it. And please, for the love of god, you do not need to douche. Furthermore, I would like for us all to immediately demote any man who tells us that he doesn’t eat pussy due to the natural taste and smell of a beautiful flower.
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